Tuesday, November 24, 2015

OL MISS and The Stevenson's Project Weekender Sailboat.........

If you are interested in bobbing downstream on the Mississippi River and are Dyslexic this blog may help, otherwise you can just view my videos as a perspective... it was a fun trip...  I think it lasted 26 days....

The little boat I used was a home built  Stevenson's Project  WEEKENDER..  I did not build it... it did not leak a drop.. from the bottom up that is....

The videos are meant to be seen as funny...  maybe if you have a dry wit or humor.

If I were to do it again I would use a smaller motor like a 2-3 h.p. its all you would need going down stream.. and would likely be much more efficient...  I left up at the Meramec  River in Mo. and was pulled out right around Just above Tennessee border... I was in no hurry.. so was lolly gagging and just drifting along a lot... motoring a bit and sailing some... however in my case there was very little wind and not very often..

The Barges.. Oh!  The Barges.... Beware the Behemoths .......... Treachery ........ Arh!  Mateys....

Obviously my Blog on this trip is Upside down... so you can work  your way backwards or upstream as it were, or scroll down to the beginning and work the other way downstream your choice...

My thanks to the builder of the boat.. I forget his name off hand... you know who you are if your reading this.. and my daughter Jane for helping me make ready and both Kelsey and Jane for texting me to make sure dad was still alive  and Martha my sister... ... and  of course Jack and Paula....
for putting up with me...

I hope somebody has some fun watching these... bring plenty of water to drink if you decide to do a trip  I had a back up emergency filter in case I had to stoop to drinking the river... Never used it though..... It was a blast a real hoot.... going down that river as far as I did.. my head is still swirling ........ and I would do it again.

 Thanks Again Jack and Q Tip for coming and pulling my ass out of the river at the end.... A Penny per laugh........

                                                       John G.


Thhhhhhhhhhhhhats All Folks...........